Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Acetaminophen SSRI interaction Responsible for Dangerous Behavior?

Acetaminophen has been found to reduce the psychological effects of fear and anxiety. I think it is highly likely there an interaction with SSRIs. Could this interaction explain dangerous behavior?

Of course it could.

There is a complicated interaction scenario. Consider a 4 way matrix take A or take B cross with stop taking A or stop taking B. Lots of combinations. Add in how long a person has been on each drug and the dosage of each.

Different SSRIs have different effects so any interaction would be different for each SSRI.

In the real world many people cycle through SSRIs looking for one that is effective for them.

Ethnicity, age, prior pain med usage, and gender could all influence effects too.

All these factors make studying possible interactions difficult - especially under controlled conditions.

This may be a break thru in understanding the seemingly random effects of SSRIs and the lack of replication in clinical studies.



Blogger In Russet Shadows said...

The study seems to indicate that taking Tylenol affects discernment. If I take Tylenol, I'm less likely to view prostitution as a moral evil. You're less likely to care about the effects of behavior on other people when you're high, so I'm not so sure that Tylenol relieves pain as much as it drowns out the body's receptors with a different signal altogether.

9:21 PM  

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