Friday, June 07, 2019

Are Investigators of the "Insurance Policy" Looking in the Right Places?

Here’s what I think is missing in the Insurance Policy investigation.
At least I haven’t heard about these things.

Someone or a group PLANNED the operation.

Someone RECRUITED the field agents and contractors.

Someone, probably a lower level manager, RAN the field agents and contractors.

Someone authorized PAYMENT for salaries, transportation, food, hotels, communication, etc.

Someone COMMUNICATED with the field agents and contractors.

Someone TRAVELED within the US and overseas.

Someone MANAGED NDAs –wrote, sent, received, reviewed, and filed them.

Someone BRIEFED the planners on field operations.

There is a considerable amount of paperwork generated by an overseas op.
Some of this material is likely still around.

Find the intermediates & support staff – US and overseas agents, perhaps foreign agents, office staff, communications folks, airline reservations, lawyers, folks who print checks, expense report reviewers, and embassy visits. There is a lot of detail in the bureaucracy.

Brennan and Comey likely didn't plan, recruit, run, pay, or communicate directly with the field agents and contractors. They had agency, multiple agency, help.

Go after communications between these parties.

Find the funding trail. Find out if the contractors were paid in cash. Find the Agent’s time cards or regular activity reports. Expenditure of such funds is likely a crime. Brennen likely hid the expenses in an unrelated black account – also a crime.

Find out if the field ops were run by a foreign government. Conspiring with a foreign government to commit a crime is probably a crime – at least sedition.

Plan, Recruit, Run, Pay, Communicate, Brief, Support, NDAs

I hope investigators are digging in these places but we haven't heard about it.


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