Saturday, June 08, 2019

Abortion is NOT the Same as Owning a Gun

This is where I try to explain why Liberals are so frustrating to adults.

Let’s use the abortion and 2nd amendment arguments as an example.

“Indeed, Crow insisted that conservatives who are both pro-life and pro-Second Amendment are hypocrites.

“I feel like obviously, everyone is pro-life, and I am conflicted by the argument that if you are pro-life, you would be standing up about gun laws,” she exclaimed.” (

First note that in her statement she says “I feel”. Unlike many death cultists (abortionists), she isn't appealing to “logic”. Rather, she admits her belief is based on emotion - childlike thinking.

Other Pro-Death voices attempt to use grown up logic but, of course, fail. They make statements like, “If you are Pro-Life you can’t logically be pro 2nd Amendment.”

Such a statement is certainly not logical.

It is not logical because it is not parallel.

Pro-Life stands against killing babies.

The 2nd Amendment stands for owning and transporting weapons. The 2nd Amendment does not stand for killing anything. The 2nd Amendment does not say Citizens have the right to shoot people. While weapons can kill they can also protect. Owning and transporting a weapon is clearly not killing.

The crux of the matter is children and mentally immature adults do not understand that there are two very different kinds of verbs: Action verbs and state of being verbs (today called “state verbs”).

I throw the ball. Action verb

I have a nickel in my pocket. State verb

Abortion is an active behavior. Owning a gun is a state.

So, logically the Pro-Death supporters are attempting to compare action with state. This is illogical.

Liberals make this kind of thinking error so frequently that it must be a characteristic of the Liberal, immature, mind.

There is another factor at work which supports the emotional base for their fallacious comparison.

Pro-Death supporters only see death. So, a weapon has only one characteristic – killing.

Liberals constantly claim that “guns kill people”. Here they also have a state issue. Guns are inanimate objects. Guns do not “act”. Yet emotionally weapons symbolize, to the liberal, death.

To the liberal abortion (death) is the same as a weapon (death). Thus, Liberals’ are comfortable with their illogical statement that Pro-Life supporters are hypocrites if they also support the 2nd Amendment.

To the child the adults seem to be saying life good and death good.

“But mommy I don’t understand!”

BTW "if you are pro-life, you would be standing up [for] gun laws" should imply that "if you are pro-abortion you would be standing up [against] gun laws."

I hope this brief explanation has ever so slightly illuminated why liberals are so frustrating to adults.


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