Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Physics - Content or Framework?

Popular explanations of the relationship between classical and quantum physics are inadequate. I suggest the following dichotomy. Classical physics describes the local behavior of the universe. Quantum physics describes the framework or container for the local universe. As such, quantum physics describes the universe across the complete range of physical and temporal dimensions: The very distant and the very small.

Classical physics works within the quantum framework describing deterministic phenomena. The quantum physics framework accounts for non-deterministic and/or probabilistic phenomena. Apparently more distant and smaller phenomena are less deterministic than near, macroscale phenomena.

Classical physics is the content. Quantum physics is the context. Neither has consequential existence with out the other.

This concept has some "comfortable" or familiar characteristics. First, as independent observers our personal experience is that we have less control over events distant in space. Personal experience teaches that we have less control over events distant in time. Such events become increasingly probabilistic as such spatial or temporal distance increases. Such events are less deterministic than events nearby.

It is almost as if events are connected by a sequence of intermediate events like pearls on a string. "Cause" operates on the first pearl. "Effect" is this pearl acting as the "cause" on the next pearl in the string and so on until the distal event occurs. At each pearl there is some, small, probability that the "cause" will act on pearls in adjacent strings. Thus the "cause energy" can be dissipated or redirected to other strings. As the number of "event pearls" increases the probability of the intended distal effect occurring decreases.

Such a model implies that the universe is constructed of discrete cells of existence in which events occur. It also implies that any descriptive theory of the universe describes not only the characteristics and relationships of events within such a cell but also the relationship between the cells.

Until theoretical physics recognizes this nested dichotomy and develops mathematics to represent it, understand of the universe is not possible.

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