Wednesday, July 28, 2010

McAfee's Website Verification Tech Sucks

Many individuals and small businesses have third parties host their web sites. Lots of these hosting companies use 404 errors to advertise their services.

McAfee developers a website  which assesses the safety of other websites. Owners of these sites can download a special page from McAfee and place it in the root directory of their website.

However, if the site is hosted by one of the many providers who use the 404 error for advertising, trying to use Mcafee's service results in this message:

"Error Submitting Site for Verification

"It appears that the Web site (or is returning an HTTP 2xx or 3xx status response code in the header of 404 pages.
"We cannot verify a Web site that is configured this way because it allows anyone to verify themselves as the owner of your site. Please update your Web site server configuration to return 404 status codes in the headers for pages that do not exist. Once your site is configured this way then you can return and request a file name verification."

Perhaps McAfee should enhance their technology rather than expect every hosting provider to change their business model.

Sniff, sniff,...

I think I smell hubris.

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